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Povestea noastra a inceput inca din 2013. In data de 14 februarie a acelui an, am deschis prima locatie Coffee 2 Go, in Gara de Nord. Un modul kiosk in forma de pahar, ce urma sa-l scalam in toata tara. In 2015 am dat si prima franciza, la Brasov.. iar de acolo lucrurile au evoluat la nivel national pana la un numar de 45 unitati, atat in forma modulelor Kiosk dar si in forma locatiilor de mini cafenele de 15-20 mp. Ce? Initial, visul nostru era ca la fiecare colt de cartier sa se gaseasca o astfel de mini cafenea unde produsul principal sa fie cafeaua la filtru, lunga, in pahare 2Go, de 450ml. Desigur, asa cum se spune, planul de acasa nu se potriveste intotdeauna cu cel din targ. Dupa sase luni in care am servit doar cafea la filtru, clientii au inceput sa ceara si alternative; “am vrea si un espresso, sau o limonada, sau un ceai, sau poate un frappe” spuneau ei, iar noi, am luat de buna zicala “clientul nostru=stapanul nostru”. Astfel, in cativa ani, am dezvoltat meniul de la o... Mai mult
Since 2000, BienManger has been researching in each region of France and in each country products with authentic flavors and selecting for you the best, from the French gastronomic traditions to the latest trends. There are as many possible definitions of "bien manger (eating well)" as there are gourmets: for some it's homemade products, for others it's organic eating, consume locally or reproduce the cuisine of the great chefs ... meets all these definitions by focusing on the taste, provenance, quality of products and their manufacture. You will find on this website 11000 products selected from over 1600 partners: producers, craftsmen and manufacturers from France and around the world. All products are tested and approved by the BienManger tasting committee before being offered on the website.